OSTIA Spiele

OSTIA Spiele

OSTIA Spiele is the label for games and game expansions from Heike and Stefan Risthaus. In October 2011 the Antipatros expansion for Monuments debuted at Spiel, and in January 2012 the first standalone game from OSTIA – Speicherstadt Hamburg – was released.

Games from OSTIA Spiele come in a basic edition with materials only; you can buy additional material and boxes in cooperation with Spielematerial.de to pimp the games. Downloads and information (including rule explanation videos) are provided on the OSTIA Spiele website.

Boardgame yang diterbitkan

Riga  [2017]

Take and trade commodities in the Baltic Sea to acquire more power than your opponents in the main cities of the 13th century!

At the beginning of each round in Riga, commodity cards are randomly grouped into packages with a minimum base val...