Koch Media GmBH
Koch Media is a media enterprise started in 1994 by Franz Koch and Dr. Klemenz Kundratitz.
Koch Media produces and markets software, games, cinema and DVDs. Sales, marketing and distribution cover Europe and, since April 2008, the USA. Koch Media's head office is in Planegg, Munich, with subsidiaries in England, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, the Nordic regions, Benelux and the USA. As a producer of computer games, Koch Media goes by the name Deep Silver.
Source: Wikipedia, Koch Media , available under the CC-BY-SA License.
Boardgame yang diterbitkan
Carcassonne: The River
Der Fluss (The River) is a mini-expansion for Carcassonne. It adds twelve river tiles. All the familiar landscape elements are also present.
The river tiles are placed first, after that the game continues as normal. No followers may be place...