The Toy Company Argentina S.R.L.

The Toy Company Argentina S.R.L.

Boardgame yang diterbitkan

Wanted!  [1999]

Players are given speed-based tasks to perform when certain cards are laid on the table, with the slowest player penalized by taking the discard pile. Players race to empty their hands for the win. The game may best be described as card-driven "Simon...

Jumanji  [1995]

The Game that Pursues You! Stalking lions, Charging rhinos, Lunging, Snapping crocodiles, and more. In the wild world of Jumanji, they're only a dice roll away.

Choose your pawn and set out on a deadly journey. Decode rhyming card messages...

Junta  [1978]

Players represent various families in Republica de los Bananas.

Each game turn has between 7 and 9 rounds, drawing cards, President assigns roles, foreign aid money is drawn, the president proposes a budget which is voted on, locations are c...

Battleship  [1931]

Battleship was originally a pencil-and-paper public domain game known by different names, but Milton Bradley made it into the well known board game in 1967. The pencil and paper grids were changed to plastic grids with holes that could hold plastic ...