??? (Butagoya)
User summary:
??? (Butagoya), which started doujin circle activity in September 2014, aims to publish games which they find interesting. Their game ????????? (Know-It-All Movie Critics) won the 2nd prize in the TGIW: Game Market Osaka 2015 new game ranking. They are currently based in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
Publisher's summary:
???????????????????????????2015?? ???????2???????????????
Boardgame yang diterbitkan
Shittaka Eiga Kenkyuka
User summary:
?????????? (Shittaka Eiga Kenkyuka) is a game in Japanese from the game designer Subuta. In English, the game would be called "Know-It-All Movie Critics". The game is produced on A4 sheets which the player cuts up into ca...