Hemz Universal Games Co. Ltd.

Hemz Universal Games Co. Ltd.

User summary:
Hemz Universal Games Co. Ltd. (formerly known as Hemz Factory) is a Japanese game publisher operated by Souya Naito. He says "We distribute games universally and also make our own new games. Get ready to be entertained!"

Hemz UG is licensing the Japanese editions of Baobab, Sushi Dice, and Spyfall. Previous games include ?????? (Light Chess) and ????????? (Futsal Meeple).

Boardgame yang diterbitkan

Spyfall  [2014]

Spyfall is a party game unlike any other, one in which you get to be a spy and try to understand what's going on around you. It's really simple!

Spyfall is played over several rounds, and at the start of each round all players receive cards ...