

Roxley Games is a game development and publishing firm located in Calgary, AB featuring some of the best game designers and artists Canada has to offer.

Twitter: @roxleygames

At Roxley, we develop games with the intention of bringing the following core fundamentals to the table:

Whether it’s a new mechanism, a new theme, or both, Roxley Games requires that every one of our projects features some sort of innovation. I mean, we wouldn’t be able to call ourselves a laboratory otherwise, would we?

At Roxley, it is our deep dark secret to one day create a boardgame so addictive that governments all over the world have no choice but to pass legislation to limit how often people are allowed to play it.

How a game looks has a huge impact on how the game feels when you play it. That’s why our games feature amazing illustrations, intuitive iconography, and polished graphic design all created by industry leading artists and graphic designers.

How a game feels is as important to us as how it looks. Game components should feel robust and high quality. We take great care in selecting the proper component for every game mechanism to alleviate fiddliness. Our manufacturers are some of the best in the entire world.

Game development is all about testing, testing, testing… and when you are done all that testing, you test some more. Roxley Games run a gammut of playtesting with game designers and blind playtesters to ensure they are well balanced and polished. Our “gamer’s” games can be in heavy development for multiple years.

Hobby boardgames are not cheap to produce, and they certainly aren’t cheap to buy. We want our games to have a permanent spot on your shelf. Games that you can come back to again and again. That is why we strive to ensure that all of our games are highly replayable featuring different setups and story lines every time you play.

Boardgame yang diterbitkan

Dice Throne  [2018]

Dice Throne is a game of intriguing dice, tactical card play, powerful heroes, and unique abilities.

It's a fast-paced 2-6 player combat game (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 2v2v2, or free-for-all). Select from a variety of heroes that play and feel complet...

Santorini  [2016]

Santorini is a re-imagining of the purely abstract 2004 edition. Since its original inception over 30 years ago, Santorini has been continually developed, enhanced and refined by designer Gordon Hamilton.

Santorini is an accessible strategy ...

Steampunk Rally  [2015]

Steampunk Rally is a strategy game that incorporates steampunk as more than just a bit of chrome. Using a unique dice-placement mechanism, players take on the roles of famous inventors from the turn of the last century like Nikola Tesla and Marie Cur...

Super Motherload  [2015]

Mars. The very near future.

The Solarus Corporation discovered an infinite source of rare and precious minerals deep in the red crust. Resources that will end the energy crisis on Earth and fuel the deep space expeditions planned...

Brass: Lancashire  [2007]

Brass: Lancashire — first published as Brass — is an economic strategy game that tells the story of competing cotton entrepreneurs in Lancashire during the industrial revolution. You must develop, build, and establish your industries and network so t...