Kenneth C. Shannon, III
From Samurai Sheepdog website:
Ken Shannon is a veteran game designer and editor of both board games and award nominated RPGs. He is currently working as principal designer for Fall of Man and principal designer of the Edge, writing for the Awakened II, and has a candy-coated assortment of other projects. He also needs to get out more so he can compete with everyone else's impressive list of credits.
Ken Shannon is a veteran game designer and editor of both board games and award nominated RPGs. He is currently working as principal designer for Fall of Man and principal designer of the Edge, writing for the Awakened II, and has a candy-coated assortment of other projects. He also needs to get out more so he can compete with everyone else's impressive list of credits.
Sebagai designer di boardgame
Tournament at Camelot
Description from the publisher:
In the time of King Arthur, knights displayed their skill and prowess at tournaments held throughout the land.
In Tournament at Camelot, you play as a legendary character who is battling opponents wit...
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