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David Sirlin

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Sebagai designer di boardgame

Codex: Card-Time Strategy – Core Set  [2016]

Codex: Card-Time Strategy is a customizable, non-collectable card game set in the Fantasy Strike universe that's inspired by real-time strategy video games such as Starcraft and Warcraft 3. Players each control three different heroes and have access ...

Codex: Card-Time Strategy – Starter Set  [2016]

This Starter Set lets you try out the game with the Bashing and Finesse heroes. Once you go beyond the Starter Set, you'll get to play 3 heroes at at time and have access to a lot more cards during the course of a game. That said, the Starter Set hel...

Codex: Card-Time Strategy – Deluxe Set  [2016]

Codex: Card-Time Strategy is a customizable, non-collectible card game set in the Fantasy Strike universe that's inspired by real-time strategy video games such as Starcraft and Warcraft 3. Players each control three different heroes and have access ...