Designer default photo image

Jean du Poël

Note: This appears to be a different person than Dutch comic artist Jan de Poel (1904 - 1994).

Sebagai designer di boardgame

PitchCar Mini  [2003]

A mini version of Pitchcar with smaller track pieces. Contains 6 straight and 10 curve track pieces that allow the construction of more than 10 different racing circuits. 8 wooden cars are included as well.

Source: https://www.boardgameg...

PitchCar Extension  [1997]

Carabande Action Set and PitchCar Extension are two remarkably similar products, but each is only compatible with its base-game, and they have differing content.

Carabande Action Set

This expansion is only compatible with Carab...

PitchCar  [1995]

This game entry refers to two nearly identical games which are not compatible with one another. Ages 6 and up.

PitchCar and Carabande are dexterity games where large, wooden, puzzle-like pieces are used to construct a race track that looks v...