Jeremy Commandeur
Jeremy runs prototype and design events around the San Francisco Bay Area, manages the Board Game Builders group ( ), hosts the annual Unpub Protospiel San Jose, and is a member of INVALID OBJECT ID=26440, type=family.
Jeremy is the designer of Booze Barons (signed, due mid/late 2015), Secret Society (signed, due mid/late 2015) and Pass the Paint (signed, planned release in 2016). He primarily designs games with his design partner Franklin Kenter (Secret Society, Pass the Paint).
Jeremy is the designer of Booze Barons (signed, due mid/late 2015), Secret Society (signed, due mid/late 2015) and Pass the Paint (signed, planned release in 2016). He primarily designs games with his design partner Franklin Kenter (Secret Society, Pass the Paint).
Sebagai designer di boardgame
Pirate 21
Avast ye, mateys! Lookit thar! It be a chest of gold! But how to divvy up th' loot? Aye! Draw yer cards and watch out for yer hornswagglin' mateys! Gamblin' be th' pirate way!
Pirate 21 is competitive card game for 2-6 players. Each player t...
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