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Etienne Espreman

Designer of the 2013 release Bruxelles 1893 from Pearl Games.
Co-designer of the 2014 release "ESSEN The Game" fron Geek Attitude Games.

Sebagai designer di boardgame

Bruxelles 1897  [2019]


In 1897, Art Nouveau is taking over the streets of Brussels as the World's Fair opens its doors. The time has come to cement your name in the History of Art. To achieve all of this, you must construct magnificent buildings, cr...

Bruxelles 1893  [2013]

Bruxelles 1893 is a worker placement game with elements of bidding and majority control. Each player is an architect of the late 19th century and is trying to achieve, through various actions, an architectural work in the Art Nouveau style. The most ...