Scot Eaton
(edited 13 February 2018)
I have been a member of Board Game Geek since 2010. From 2010-2013, I designed fan expansions and minor add-ons to popular games (with the permission of the original creators, of course). In 2014, I started designing original games. My first completed game was Elemental, which won the Abstract Category for the BGG 2015 2-player Print-and-Play Design Contest. Blend Off! was the first game of mine that was published. In 2017, I had the pleasure of collaborating with Vlaada Chvatil and CGE on Codenames Duet.
I try to focus on games that can cross over between hobby gamers and casual gamers. The genre of the game doesn't matter, as long as it can be enjoyed by everyone. I hate downtime, and will reduce it or eliminate it whenever possible.
If you meet me in person, I will sign any box or rulebook that has my name on it, as long as your provide the marker/pen.
I have been a member of Board Game Geek since 2010. From 2010-2013, I designed fan expansions and minor add-ons to popular games (with the permission of the original creators, of course). In 2014, I started designing original games. My first completed game was Elemental, which won the Abstract Category for the BGG 2015 2-player Print-and-Play Design Contest. Blend Off! was the first game of mine that was published. In 2017, I had the pleasure of collaborating with Vlaada Chvatil and CGE on Codenames Duet.
I try to focus on games that can cross over between hobby gamers and casual gamers. The genre of the game doesn't matter, as long as it can be enjoyed by everyone. I hate downtime, and will reduce it or eliminate it whenever possible.
If you meet me in person, I will sign any box or rulebook that has my name on it, as long as your provide the marker/pen.
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