Sophia Wagner
Sophia Wagner, winner of the Spiel des Jahres fellowship in 2015, will release her first game NORIA in Essen 2017 at Edition Spielwiese.
Noria is a steampunk world, which she developed together with Michael Menzel and Klemens Franz, the illustrators of the game.
The game is built around an innovative mechanic called "wheel building", which lets players select their actions from an action wheel, which changes every round and allows for clever gameplay.
Noria is a steampunk world, which she developed together with Michael Menzel and Klemens Franz, the illustrators of the game.
The game is built around an innovative mechanic called "wheel building", which lets players select their actions from an action wheel, which changes every round and allows for clever gameplay.
Sebagai designer di boardgame
A new era is looming on the horizon. The future of Noria is right in front of you, and you must guide your flourishing trading empire into prosperity. Discover flying islands, buy ships, and build factories. Invest in prestigious projects, and secure...
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