Samuel Bailey
Previously worked at Fantasy Flight Games for three years. Now a freelance game designer and writer.
Designer on these Upcoming Products:
Rambo: The Board Game with Everything Epic Games
Lawyer Up, a 2-player courtroom strategy and drafting game with Rock Manor Games.
Designer of the Following Products:
Co-designer of Forbidden Stars
Co-designer of Relic: Halls of Terra
Designer of Elder Sign: Omens of Ice
Co-designer of Elder Sign: Gates of Arkham
Co-designer of Mansions of Madness: The Laboratory
Content Designer on Imperial Assault: Return to Hoth
Content Designer on Descent: Shadow of Nerekhall
Co-designer of Talisman: The Deep Realms
Designer of Talisman: Cataclysm
Designer of Talisman: The Firelands Expansion
Designer of Talisman: The Woodland Expansion
Designer of Talisman: The Harbinger
Co-designer of XCOM: Evolution
Assisted in the Development of the Following Products:
AGot: The Card Game 2nd Edition
Android: Netrunner (various expansions)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (various expansions)
Fury of Dracula: 3rd Edition
Hoax 2nd Edition
Imperial Assault (various expansions)
Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition
Runebound 3rd Edition
Star Wars: Armada
Star Wars: Destiny
Star Wars: Rebellion
The Iron Throne
Warhammer: Diskwars
Witcher: The Board Game
Wiz-War 8th Edition (Bestial Forces and Malefic Curses expansions)
Designer on these Upcoming Products:
Rambo: The Board Game with Everything Epic Games
Lawyer Up, a 2-player courtroom strategy and drafting game with Rock Manor Games.
Designer of the Following Products:
Co-designer of Forbidden Stars
Co-designer of Relic: Halls of Terra
Designer of Elder Sign: Omens of Ice
Co-designer of Elder Sign: Gates of Arkham
Co-designer of Mansions of Madness: The Laboratory
Content Designer on Imperial Assault: Return to Hoth
Content Designer on Descent: Shadow of Nerekhall
Co-designer of Talisman: The Deep Realms
Designer of Talisman: Cataclysm
Designer of Talisman: The Firelands Expansion
Designer of Talisman: The Woodland Expansion
Designer of Talisman: The Harbinger
Co-designer of XCOM: Evolution
Assisted in the Development of the Following Products:
AGot: The Card Game 2nd Edition
Android: Netrunner (various expansions)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (various expansions)
Fury of Dracula: 3rd Edition
Hoax 2nd Edition
Imperial Assault (various expansions)
Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition
Runebound 3rd Edition
Star Wars: Armada
Star Wars: Destiny
Star Wars: Rebellion
The Iron Throne
Warhammer: Diskwars
Witcher: The Board Game
Wiz-War 8th Edition (Bestial Forces and Malefic Curses expansions)
Sebagai designer di boardgame
Forbidden Stars
Description from the publisher:
The shifting Warp Storms that surround the long lost Herakon Cluster have finally abated, leaving the ancient treasures and planets within this sector open to the rest of the galaxy. Now, the great factions of...
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