Mike Selinker
Mike Selinker is a prolific game designer. He wrote for TSR, was a creative director for Wizards of the Coast, held a leading role with Avalon Hill Games, Inc., and has been the president of the game company Lone Shark Games which he essentially founded along with James Ernest. He began his game designing career by publishing an Dungeons and Dragons crossword puzzle in Dragon magazine at the age of 15. His puzzles and game articles now frequently appear in Games Magazine, The New York Times, and The Chicago Tribune. He is also noted for being a good poker player among the various game designers who play at trade shows.
Partial source: Wikipedia, "Mike_Selinker", available under the CC-BY-SA License.
Partial source: Wikipedia, "Mike_Selinker", available under the CC-BY-SA License.
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From the press release:
Betrayal at House on the Hill quickly builds suspense and excitement as players explore a haunted mansion of their own design, encountering spirits and frightening omens that foretell their fate. With an estimated one...
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