Michael Menzel
Michael Menzel was born in 1974.
He lives with his wife Stefanie and his son Johannes in Krefeld. In 2003 he
had a lucky strike when he started illustrating games. Up until 2007 he
had mainly illustrated family games and games for adults. HABA in 2007,
however, offered him the possibility to illustrate a children game and ever
since that wonderful and inspiring cooperation, working on children
games has become one of his favorite activities. In the last years he has already inspired various
HABA-games with his great illustrations, such as Raggedy Rat Rascal, Capt'n Look and Wild Vikings.
Has also illustrated these games, which are not yet in the database:
- Schweine Yatzy (Noris)
He lives with his wife Stefanie and his son Johannes in Krefeld. In 2003 he
had a lucky strike when he started illustrating games. Up until 2007 he
had mainly illustrated family games and games for adults. HABA in 2007,
however, offered him the possibility to illustrate a children game and ever
since that wonderful and inspiring cooperation, working on children
games has become one of his favorite activities. In the last years he has already inspired various
HABA-games with his great illustrations, such as Raggedy Rat Rascal, Capt'n Look and Wild Vikings.
Has also illustrated these games, which are not yet in the database:
- Schweine Yatzy (Noris)
Sebagai designer di boardgame
Legends of Andor
Game description from the publisher:
Legends of Andor is a cooperative adventure board game for two to four players in which a band of heroes must work together to defend a fantasy realm from invading hordes. To secure Andor's borders, the h...
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