Jamie Chambers
Jamie Chambers (born January 25, 1975 in Atlanta, Georgia) is an American game designer and writer with many published credits. He has worked as vice president of both Sovereign Press and Margaret Weis Productions. He wrote and designed the Serenity Role Playing Game and co-authored the Dragonlance campaign setting for Wizards of the Coast.
He is married to game contributor Renae Chambers and has been living in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. They both attended Gary Gygax's funeral.
He is married to game contributor Renae Chambers and has been living in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. They both attended Gary Gygax's funeral.
Sebagai designer di boardgame
Building An Elder God
Building an Elder God is a fast-paced card game of Lovecraftian construction for 2-5 players, ages 8 and up. Each turn you may place cards to complete your tentacled monster, damage another player's creature, or heal damage of your own. The first pla...
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