Alan Stone
Sebagai designer di boardgame
Viticulture: Moor Visitors Expansion
The Viticulture Moor Visitors Expansion, designed by famed designer Uwe Rosenberg (Agricola, Caverna, Patchwork) and Viticulture designers Jamey Stegmaier and Alan Stone, adds 40 new visitors to any version of Viticulture. Also included are corrected...
Viticulture Essential Edition
Di dalam permainan papan "Viticulture", para pemain berperan sebagai orang-orang yang ada di pedesaan Tuscany yang telah mewarisi kebun anggur secara turun temurun. Setiap pemain memiliki 3 bidang tanah, 2 buah penampang anggur, gudang kecil...
Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia
UPDATE July 1, 2014: 16 of the original recruit cards have been updated and revised for the second printing of Euphoria. Those recruit cards are included for free in every copy of our Treasure Chest and will be available for purchase through the BGG ...
In Viticulture, the players find themselves in the roles of people in rustic, pre-modern Tuscany who have inherited meager vineyards. They have a few plots of land, an old crushpad, a tiny cellar, and three workers. They each have a dream of being th...