Rustan Håkansson
Rustan Håkansson (born 1981) is a Swedish game designer. He believes in open development, he built and uses Board Game Development Club to share the projects he is working on.
Rustan has previously worked at BoardGameGeek, in game distribution and with Tea Time Productions and Cloudberry Games.
Noteable Games
2013 Nations
2014 Nations: The Dice Game
2016 Dungeon Rush
2017 Tribes: Early Civilization
Rustan has previously worked at BoardGameGeek, in game distribution and with Tea Time Productions and Cloudberry Games.
Noteable Games
2013 Nations
2014 Nations: The Dice Game
2016 Dungeon Rush
2017 Tribes: Early Civilization
Sebagai designer di boardgame
From the humble beginnings of civilization through the historical ages of progress, mankind has lived, fought, and built together in nations. Great nations protect and provide for their own, while fighting and competing against both other nations and...
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