?? ?? (Shingo Fujita)
User summary:
?? ?? (Shingo Fujita) is a Japanese game designer, a member of the doujin circle Bodogeimu. He is mainly responsible for the design of the game system in the game production. Playing Catan in 2011 triggered his interest in the hobby, and he started on game designer in 2014. Bodogeimu produced their first game in time for the Spring 2014 Tokyo Game Market.
Designer's summary:
?? ?? (Shingo Fujita) is a Japanese game designer, a member of the doujin circle Bodogeimu. He is mainly responsible for the design of the game system in the game production. Playing Catan in 2011 triggered his interest in the hobby, and he started on game designer in 2014. Bodogeimu produced their first game in time for the Spring 2014 Tokyo Game Market.
Designer's summary:
Sebagai designer di boardgame
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