Twilight Imperium (Third Edition): Shards of the Throne
3-8 Orang
Jumlah pemain
Jumlah pemain
240 Menit
Durasi bermain
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0+ Tahun
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- Perancang: Christian T. Petersen , Corey Konieczka
- Ilustrator: Mark Molnar , Scott Schomburg , Tom Garden
- Penerbit: Fantasy Flight Games
- Tahun Rilis: 2011 Basegame: Twilight Imperium (Third Edition)
The legacy of a ruined empire silently echoes across the stars, its presence still felt as a timeless entity. It is hope. It is a promise. It corrodes the dreams of a peaceful universe into visions of alluring conquest, propelling the entire galaxy into an endless struggle for power.
Shards of the Throne is an epic expansion for Twilight Imperium, adding new races, new units, and many new options to create an even more incredible power struggle in the far reaches of the galaxy.
Mercenaries, Mechanized Units, and all-new Flagship units give players more options for customizing their fleets and Ground Forces, while the Political Intrigue option will crank up the agendas and espionage of the political phase.
Also adding Race-Specific Technologies, alternate Strategy Cards, new System Tiles, Space Domains, and an all-new scenario that puts one player in control of the legendary Lazax Empire, Shards of the Throne creates a completely new way to wage your galactic conquests!
Part of the Twilight Imperium Series.
Source: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/
- Tipe
- Strategy
- Kategori
- Civilization
Expansion for Base-game
Science Fiction
Space Exploration
Wargame -
- Mekanisme
- Area-Impulse
Dice Rolling
Modular Board
Tile Placement
Variable Player Powers
Voting -
- Family
- Twilight Imperium
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