Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
1-5 Orang
Jumlah pemain
Jumlah pemain
45 Menit
Durasi bermain
Durasi bermain
14+ Tahun
Usia pemain
Usia pemain
Rating total
Rating total
- Perancang: Devin Low
- Ilustrator: Bien Flores , Brian Tots Valerz , Jay David Ramos , Julius Abrea , Katrina Mae Hao , Kevin Sharpe , Nigel Raynor , Ray Anthony Height , The Marvel Bullpen , Tony Kordos , Will Conrad
- Penerbit: Upper Deck Entertainment
- Tahun Rilis: 2012
Over the course of the game, players will recruit powerful hero cards to add to their deck in order to build a stronger and more resourceful deck. Players need to build both their recruitment powers (to enlist more heroes) and their fighting ability (to combat the villains who keep popping up to cause trouble). Players recruit heroes from an array of five cards, with empty slots refilled as needed. At the start of a player's turn, he reveals a villain and adds it to the row of villains. This row has a limited number of spaces, and if it fills up, the earliest villain to arrive escapes, possibly punishing the heroes in some way. Some villains also take an action when showing up for the first time, such as kidnapping an innocent bystander. The villain deck also contains "master strike" cards, and whenever one of these shows up, the mastermind villain (controlled by the game) takes a bonus action.
As players fight and defeat villains, they collect those cards, which will be worth points at game's end. Players can also fight the mastermind; if a player has enough fighting power, he claims one of the attack cards beneath the mastermind, which has a particular effect on the game. If all of these cards are claimed, the game ends and players tally their points to see who wins. If the mastermind completes his scheme, however having a certain number of villains escape, for example, or imposing a certain number of wounds on the heroes then the players all lose.
Source: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/
- Tipe
- Thematic
- Kategori
- Card Game
Comic Book / Strip -
- Mekanisme
- Co-operative Play
Deck / Pool Building -
- Family
- Comics: Marvel Universe
Solitaire Games
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