Kingdom Death: Monster
1-6 Orang
Jumlah pemain
Jumlah pemain
60-180 Menit
Durasi bermain
Durasi bermain
17+ Tahun
Usia pemain
Usia pemain
Rating total
Rating total
- Perancang: Adam Poots
- Ilustrator: Lokman Lam , Lorinda Tomko
- Penerbit: Kingdom Death
- Tahun Rilis: 2015
Campaign System
Embark alone or with up to 3 friends (5 with game variant) on a 5-30-lantern-year campaign, with each year consisting of a cycle of hunt, showdown, and settlement phases. The settlement phase is an intricate civilization building game in which you spend very limited resources to build buildings, research new technologies, train your warriors, and set up your strategy for survival. During the hunt, you'll encounter a series of stories in a "choose your own adventure" style journey through various events and encounters. Finally, when you meet the monster you're pursuing, you'll engage it in an a massive arena-style battle where only one party is going to survive. If your party lives, you'll be able to bring the spoils back home to use in expanding your settlement.
Monster AI System
Each of the 7 monsters included are controlled by their own pair of decks that scale to 3 levels of difficulty (except for the final encounter, which has only 1 level and it's HARD!). Every encounter, even with the same monster, is highly variable and no two showdowns will resolve the same way. Players will have to plan their gear and keep their minds sharp to prevail.
Gear System
In Kingdom Death: Monster, survivors will craft gear from resources earned from defeating monsters or found on their hunt. Each survivor has a 3x3 gear grid. Selection and arrangement of your gear cards is critical, as many provided bonuses and activate special rules when aligned correctly.
Story Event System
40+ Story Events plus over 100 hunt encounters will shape and guide your campaign. Story Events detail important evolutions in your civilization, introduce new monsters, and provide rich detail for your campaign. Some will trigger automatically as you progress through the campaign, but most will be entirely based on choices players make.
Story Events cover everything from setting up and fighting a monster to key events that happen within the overall story. Some are triggered directly from the timeline and others from choices you make in game.
- Tipe
- Thematic
- Kategori
- Adventure
Mature / Adult
Mythology -
- Mekanisme
- Co-operative Play
Dice Rolling
Grid Movement
Role Playing
Storytelling -
- Family
- Campaign Games
Crowdfunding: Kickstarter
Kingdom Death
Solitaire Games
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