The Castles of Burgundy: The Dice Game
1-5 Orang
Jumlah pemain
Jumlah pemain
15-30 Menit
Durasi bermain
Durasi bermain
10+ Tahun
Usia pemain
Usia pemain
Rating total
Rating total
- Perancang: Christoph Toussaint , Stefan Feld
- Ilustrator: Harald Lieske , Julien Delval
- Penerbit: Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH , alea
- Tahun Rilis: 2017
The famous strategy game now in pure dice game!
A "dice version" of The Castles of Burgundy.
The game comes with 5 dice: A timer die, 2 number dice, and 2 color dice.
Like the board game, the idea is to fill as many things on your board, and get the most points, mostly by completing color regions.
One player rolls the dice, and then everyone picks 2 dice to use: A color die, representing a type of hex on the board, and a number.
A hex can only be filled on the board if it's adjacent to an already-filled hex, or your starting castle, and each type of hex has its own rules for which number can be used to fill it, and its own reward.
When completing a region of hexes, you get points, as well as a reward that you can then cross off to activate, such as workers and monks that let you treat a number or color die as having any value, and silver that lets you use a second combination of dice on a turn.
The timer die sets the pace of the game, and also triggers a "shipping" action, where players can cross off collected crates for points.
There are 4 different board layouts included. Solo mode is included.
- Tipe
- Uncategorized
- Kategori
- City Building
Territory Building -
- Mekanisme
- Dice Rolling
Paper-and-Pencil -
- Family
- Alea Very Small Box
Roll 'n Write
Solitaire Games
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