- Perancang: Antoine Bauza
- Ilustrator: Xavier Gueniffey Durin
- Penerbit: Asterion Press , Bergsala Enigma , Devir , Funforge , Galápagos Jogos , Hobby World , Jolly Thinkers , MINDOK , Passport Game Studios , Pendragon Game Studio , Swan Panasia Co., Ltd. , Zhiyanjia ,
- Tahun Rilis: 2012
The potential action spaces in Tokaido are laid out on a linear track, with players advancing down this track to take actions. The player who is currently last on the track takes a turn by advancing forward on the track to their desired action and taking that action. So, players must choose whether to advance slowly in order to get more turns, or to travel more rapidly to beat other players to their desired action spaces.
The action spaces allow a variety of actions that will score in different, but roughly equal, ways. Some action spaces allow players to collect money, while others offer players a way to spend that money to acquire points. Other action spaces allow players to engage in various set collections that score points for assembling those sets. Some action spaces simply award players points for stopping on them, or give the player a randomly determined action from all of the other types.
All of the actions in Tokaido are very simple, and combined with a unique graphic design, Tokaido offers players a peaceful zen mood in its play.
- Tipe
- Family
- Kategori
- Travel
- Mekanisme
- Point to Point Movement
Set Collection
Time Track
Variable Player Powers -
- Family
- Asian Theme
Country: Japan
Food / Cooking
Visual Arts: Painting
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Pemain menjadi traveler yang menyusuri jalur sutra yang terkenal dari Edo ke Tokyo di Jepang. Dalam permainan ini pemain bisa mampir ke berbagai lokasi yang ada, membeli cindera mata, menyumbang di kuil, melihat pemandangan, bersantai di pemandian air panas dan bertemu banyak orang. Pemain dengan poin terbanyak di akhir perjalanan, memenangkan permainan.
Permainan ini sangatlah santai, cocok untuk anak kecil dan keluarga serta pemain yang sangat kasual. Ilustrasinya juga sangatlah indah dan bagus.