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Marcin Jakubowski

Credited with interior art for The Black Sepulchre.

information from

I'm a freelance concept artist and illustrator, at the moment living in Gdansk, Poland.
I deal with variety of projects - especially CG animations, TV shows and commercials.
I'm a self-taught digital painter who owes skills to his unceasing ambition fueled by awesome (but at the same time frustrating haha) artistic individuals over the Internet.
It was in early 90s of the previous century when I first experienced digital art :). Commodore 64 gave incredible palette of 16 colours, resolution of 160x200 pixels and a joystick instead of a tablet. From that time I made noticeable progress, but a statistical man's life length in my country is too short to allow me to achieve the desired level.
I'd like to focus on film and game industry. I enjoy using my imagination and create another worlds. My works are created in many styles and genre, but the most important thing for me is always the mood and atmosphere.

NVArt: 'Surreal in the style of Jacek Yerka' at - 2nd prize
CG Challenge: 'Steampunk: Myths and Legends' at - Texture Award
2d battle: 'Beauty and the beast' at - Grand Prix

Published in:
Expose 10 - Ballistic Publishing, 2012
Digital Art Master: volume 6 - 3dTotal, 2011
Spectrum 17 - Underwood Books, 2010
Expose 8 - Ballistic Publishing, 2010
Digital Art Master: volume 5 - 3dTotal, 2010
Art squared - digital painters 2 - Rage Publishing, 2010
Exotique 5 - Ballistic Publishing, 2009
Expose 7 - Ballistic Publishing, 2009
Big Book of Contemporary Illustration by Martin Dawber - Batsford, 2009

Sebagai artist di boardgame

Uchronia  [2012]

In Uchronia, you are the patriarch of a great Uchronian noble house, competing with the other houses that commit their wealth to building the city, enriching it with new constructions, and striving to win over the people.

In game terms, play...