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Karim Chakroun

I'm a Graphic Designer, Digital/traditional Illustrator, 3D/Clay Sculptor... and Board gamer.

Having worked 15 years in publishing and package design, I am now happily working as a Graphic Designer and Illustrator for Z-Man, Eagle / Gryphon Games, Columbia Games, Dawnmatrix, Clever Mojo Games, Stronghold Games, etc...

Je suis Graphiste, Illustrateur Digital/traditionnel, Sculpteur 3D/Plastiline, et joueur.

Ayant travaillé 15 ans dans le milieu du packaging, de l'édition et du design industriel, je mets mes compétences au service de l'édition de jeu de société depuis 5 ans, auprès d'éditeurs comme Z-Man, Eagle/Gryphon Games, Stronghold Games, Columbia Games, Dawnmatrix, Clever Mojo Games, etc...

Sebagai artist di boardgame

Alien Frontiers  [2010]

Do you have what it takes to be a deep space colonist? An alien frontier awaits the brave and daring! This new planet will be harsh, but if you have the skills to manage your resources, build a fleet, research alien life, and settle colonies, the w...

Slapshot  [1982]

Slapshot is a wheeling, dealing game for hockey nuts of all ages. Each participant in Slapshot assumes the role of a team manager. The object is to skillfully manage your team into the playoffs and then win the championship. During the regular season...