?ukasz Matuszek
Atlantis: Island of Gods (illustrations) - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/253766/atlantis-island-gods
Cthulhu Rise of the Cults (illustrations) - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/227582/cthulhu-rise-cults
Shadow Era TCG ( card illustrations) - http://www.shadowera.com/content.php
Phageborn TCG ( card illustrations) - http://www.phageborn.com/
GAMEDEC BOARD GAME (character & equipment design) - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/145766/gamedec
FARWILDS (game cards)
SOLARIS (covers) - book publisher
ESENSJA (covers & ilustrations)
- In "The Mammoth book of Skulls" by Ilya (Running Press )
- In "Cg Characters: From Sketch to Finish"
and "CG Scenes: From Sketch to Finish"
by Dopress Books
- ImagineFX (issue 92 ) WORKSHOP
- PIXEL ARTS MAGAZINE (issue 19/2010)
- ImagineFX (issue 75) FXPOSE
(info from ortheza.net)
Atlantis: Island of Gods (illustrations) - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/253766/atlantis-island-gods
Cthulhu Rise of the Cults (illustrations) - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/227582/cthulhu-rise-cults
Shadow Era TCG ( card illustrations) - http://www.shadowera.com/content.php
Phageborn TCG ( card illustrations) - http://www.phageborn.com/
GAMEDEC BOARD GAME (character & equipment design) - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/145766/gamedec
FARWILDS (game cards)
SOLARIS (covers) - book publisher
ESENSJA (covers & ilustrations)
- In "The Mammoth book of Skulls" by Ilya (Running Press )
- In "Cg Characters: From Sketch to Finish"
and "CG Scenes: From Sketch to Finish"
by Dopress Books
- ImagineFX (issue 92 ) WORKSHOP
- PIXEL ARTS MAGAZINE (issue 19/2010)
- ImagineFX (issue 75) FXPOSE
(info from ortheza.net)
Sebagai artist di boardgame
Atlantis: Island of Gods
Before the civilizations that we know of there was a great island, called by contemporary scientists Atlantis. It was inhabited by a civilization that had extraordinary cultural and technological achievements, especially in architecture and art.
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