Héctor Ortiz
Héctor Ortiz is a freelance artist from San Francisco, California, who has worked for Wizards of the Coast and Fantasy Flight Games.
He is listed as an providing interior illustrations for the Wizards of the Coast publication Player's Handbook 2, Fourth Edition.
He is listed as an providing interior illustrations for the Wizards of the Coast publication Player's Handbook 2, Fourth Edition.
Sebagai artist di boardgame
Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game
A cooperative game where the players attempt to clean out an infestation of hostile aliens from a derelict spaceship. Set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, players take on the roles of Space Marines pitted against hordes of Genestealers.
Boardgame Lainnya
Emak-Emak Matic Racing Game
Marbel Firefighter - The Card Game
Pet War
Linimasa Sejarah Card Game Vol. 1 Edisi Kemerdekaan Indonesia
Wowo Wiwi
Keris Tanding
Waroong Wars
Acaraki: The Java Herbalist
Kakak Teladan: Episode Belanja
Math Cat
Senggal-Senggol Gang Damai
Chibies Vs Zombies The Board Game
Lelang Mania