Mark Bromley
I first met Mark over 25 years ago. He was working for British Aerospace, for their in-house magazine and he illustrated things like aircraft engines. I introduced him to Ian Livingstone of Games Workshop fame, and Ian liked the samples I showed him. He commissioned Mark to do the cover for White Dwarf magazine, giving a free rein to Mark to paint any fantasy-related picture he liked. White Dwarf #67 was Mark's first attempt at a fantasy picture and he painted a very good illustration of a heavily armoured dwarf coming through a dungeon door, reduced to splinters by the dwarf warrior. Mark was then offered the cover for White Dwarf No.#69, and this picture was even used a second time in one of the Fighting Fantasy game/book series. As a way of a 'thank you', Mark gave me the original painting of the Dwarf and it still hangs in my house today. I asked Mark to do the graphics for my Spielfreaks' version of Family Business, and he illustrated the box as well as the cards. I then helped him get the contract for the Gibson Games' edition of Britannia. Finally, I know he did the cards and box for a game first published in 1938, Speed. His contribution was for the 15th edition, in the mid-eighties..
Sebagai artist di boardgame
Family Business
Family Business takes mob warfare to a new level of backstabbing, revenge, and general bloodthirstiness, which is what makes it such a blast to play. Every player controls a 'family' and plays various cards to off other players' family members. In ...
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