Christian T. Petersen
Christian Petersen is the founder and CEO of Fantasy Flight Games, as well as one of their main game designers. His design of Twilight Imperium helped transform Fantasy Flight from a small importer of European comics into a large game publisher.
Christian Petersen is born in Washington, grew up in Denmark, and moved back to Minnesota in 1991.
Notable Games
1997 Twilight Imperium
1999 Diskwars (with Tod Gelle, Darrell Hardy, Tom Jolly)
2000 Twilight Imperium (Second Edition)
2002 A Game of Thrones Collectible Card Game (with Eric M. Lang)
2003 A Game of Thrones (first edition) (with Kevin Wilson)
2005 Twilight Imperium (Third Edition)
2005 World of Warcraft: The Boardgame (with Eric M. Lang)
2007 StarCraft: The Board Game (with Corey Konieczka)
2009 Middle-Earth Quest (with Corey Konieczka)
2013 Warhammer: Diskwars (with Tom Jolly, Lukas Litzsinger)
2015 Star Wars: Armada (with James Kniffen)
Christian Petersen is born in Washington, grew up in Denmark, and moved back to Minnesota in 1991.
Notable Games
1997 Twilight Imperium
1999 Diskwars (with Tod Gelle, Darrell Hardy, Tom Jolly)
2000 Twilight Imperium (Second Edition)
2002 A Game of Thrones Collectible Card Game (with Eric M. Lang)
2003 A Game of Thrones (first edition) (with Kevin Wilson)
2005 Twilight Imperium (Third Edition)
2005 World of Warcraft: The Boardgame (with Eric M. Lang)
2007 StarCraft: The Board Game (with Corey Konieczka)
2009 Middle-Earth Quest (with Corey Konieczka)
2013 Warhammer: Diskwars (with Tom Jolly, Lukas Litzsinger)
2015 Star Wars: Armada (with James Kniffen)
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