Manfred Keller
Manfred Keller
Born 17.01.1958 in Konken in Germany
2 sons (twins).
High school in 1978 in Kusel, followed by training for assistant medical technician in the University clinic Homburg/Saar.
After 10 years working in Karlsruhe, returned to his home and now he works at the Westpfalz-Klinikum Kaiserslautern.
Games have always been part of his life, since the earliest stages. Thus, the gaming character has followed him up to this day – this you can sense the first time you met him.
To his luck, his family (his own 2 sons and his wife and her 2 kids) is just as keep on playing games as he is. A big "Thank You" from him to his wife Annette, her daughter Chantal and his 2 sons Kevin and Pascal for their infinite patience and support for testing of his new game ideas.
After years of searching, drudgery and hunting flies and mosquitoes, the day had come and his first game „BSZZZZ...!“ appeared in Essen on the „SPIEL 2003“-Fair published by Zoch Verlag. The fly-catcher from Konken is more than happy to be able to talk about his theme. Without any pause, he invents and develops his games for quite a few years now.
Several more game prototypes exist. He is a passionate game collector and meets 1 to 2 times a week with other fans to enjoy a nice gaming evening.
His motto is: Play and invent good games.
Hobbies: He collects games and has all the "Games of the Year" and all those that have been on the nomination list since 1979.
He loves to listen to Rock music of the 70ies and early 80ies.
Born 17.01.1958 in Konken in Germany
2 sons (twins).
High school in 1978 in Kusel, followed by training for assistant medical technician in the University clinic Homburg/Saar.
After 10 years working in Karlsruhe, returned to his home and now he works at the Westpfalz-Klinikum Kaiserslautern.
Games have always been part of his life, since the earliest stages. Thus, the gaming character has followed him up to this day – this you can sense the first time you met him.
To his luck, his family (his own 2 sons and his wife and her 2 kids) is just as keep on playing games as he is. A big "Thank You" from him to his wife Annette, her daughter Chantal and his 2 sons Kevin and Pascal for their infinite patience and support for testing of his new game ideas.
After years of searching, drudgery and hunting flies and mosquitoes, the day had come and his first game „BSZZZZ...!“ appeared in Essen on the „SPIEL 2003“-Fair published by Zoch Verlag. The fly-catcher from Konken is more than happy to be able to talk about his theme. Without any pause, he invents and develops his games for quite a few years now.
Several more game prototypes exist. He is a passionate game collector and meets 1 to 2 times a week with other fans to enjoy a nice gaming evening.
His motto is: Play and invent good games.
Hobbies: He collects games and has all the "Games of the Year" and all those that have been on the nomination list since 1979.
He loves to listen to Rock music of the 70ies and early 80ies.
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