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Empty Room Studios

From website:

Empty Room Studios provides high quality illustration and writing services for the creative needs of companies and studios in the entertainment industry- namely comics, games and television/film. By utilizing a work system similar to those found in company art departments, we capitalize on the talents of our studio members by developing long-term relationships with each of our clients through integrity, open communication, mutual respect, and fast production time.With a combination of talent and a professional work ethic, Empty Room Studios has developed a reputation for being dependable, professional and for delivering nothing less than quality, originality and experience.

Sebagai artist di boardgame

Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport  [2013]

Scoundrels of Skullport adds new content for Lords of Waterdeep. It’s not one, but two, complete expansions: the sprawling dungeon of Undermountain and the criminal haven of Skullport.

Each thrilling location has unique characteristics and o...