Chris White (I)
Chris White is an artist who has contributed cover artwork for popular The Avalon Hill Game Co board games such as Magic Realm and Dune and various Iron Crown Enterprises role-playing game books.
Some of his specific art credits include the following:
Board Games
Amoeba Wars (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover
The Barbarians (Yaquinto) -- front cover
Bull Run (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover
Circus Maximus (Avalon Hill) -- back box art
Dragonhunt (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover, logotype, and game board
Dune (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover and logotype
Gunslinger (Avalon Hill) -- cards and tokens
Heroes of Olympus (Task Force Games) -- front box cover
Lost Worlds, Sir Percival (Chessex) -- front cover and interior artwork
Magic Realm (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover, logotype and cards including berserker, captain, dwarf, magician, and wizard
Neck and Neck (Yaquinto) -- front cover
Snapshot (Game Designer's Workshop) -- front box cover
Sports Illustrated Status Pro Baseball, 1988 (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover
Sports Illustrated Status Pro Football, 1988? (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover
Titan (Avalon Hill) -- interior artwork
TV Wars (Avalon Hill) -- back box art
Wizard's Quest (Avalon Hill) -- game board
Wrasslin' (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover
Role-playing Games
Creatures & Treasures (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Goblin-Gate and Eagle's Eyrie (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
The Iron Wind (2nd Edition) (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Middle Earth Role Playing, MERP (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Riddle of the Ring (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Rolemaster (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
The Tower of Cirith Ungol and Shelob's Lair (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Southern Mirkwood: Haunt of the Necromancer (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Other Games
House of Horror (Task Force Games) -- front cover and interior artwork (Unpublished?)
Steve Jackson Games product, cover art (spaceship hurtling towards supernova-engulfed planet)
Through the late 1990s and into the 2000s, he has done work for hobby companies such as Polar Lights and Moebius.
He also has done work for computer games.
Some of his specific art credits include the following:
Board Games
Amoeba Wars (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover
The Barbarians (Yaquinto) -- front cover
Bull Run (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover
Circus Maximus (Avalon Hill) -- back box art
Dragonhunt (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover, logotype, and game board
Dune (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover and logotype
Gunslinger (Avalon Hill) -- cards and tokens
Heroes of Olympus (Task Force Games) -- front box cover
Lost Worlds, Sir Percival (Chessex) -- front cover and interior artwork
Magic Realm (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover, logotype and cards including berserker, captain, dwarf, magician, and wizard
Neck and Neck (Yaquinto) -- front cover
Snapshot (Game Designer's Workshop) -- front box cover
Sports Illustrated Status Pro Baseball, 1988 (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover
Sports Illustrated Status Pro Football, 1988? (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover
Titan (Avalon Hill) -- interior artwork
TV Wars (Avalon Hill) -- back box art
Wizard's Quest (Avalon Hill) -- game board
Wrasslin' (Avalon Hill) -- front box cover
Role-playing Games
Creatures & Treasures (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Goblin-Gate and Eagle's Eyrie (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
The Iron Wind (2nd Edition) (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Middle Earth Role Playing, MERP (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Riddle of the Ring (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Rolemaster (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
The Tower of Cirith Ungol and Shelob's Lair (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Southern Mirkwood: Haunt of the Necromancer (Iron Crown Enterprises) -- front cover
Other Games
House of Horror (Task Force Games) -- front cover and interior artwork (Unpublished?)
Steve Jackson Games product, cover art (spaceship hurtling towards supernova-engulfed planet)
Through the late 1990s and into the 2000s, he has done work for hobby companies such as Polar Lights and Moebius.
He also has done work for computer games.
Sebagai artist di boardgame
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Designed by the creators at Eon of Cosmic Encounter fame, som...
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