Emile Denis
From website:
Illustrateur, concept-artiste, graphiste diplômé de l'ecole emile cohl à lyon,/Illustrator, concept-artist, graduate of the Art school Emile Cohl in Lyon...
Translation courtesy of Google:
Illustrator, concept artist, graphic designer graduated from the ecole emile cohl in Lyon, / illustrator, concept artist, graduate of the Art school Emile Cohl in Lyon
Illustrateur, concept-artiste, graphiste diplômé de l'ecole emile cohl à lyon,/Illustrator, concept-artist, graduate of the Art school Emile Cohl in Lyon...
Translation courtesy of Google:
Illustrator, concept artist, graphic designer graduated from the ecole emile cohl in Lyon, / illustrator, concept artist, graduate of the Art school Emile Cohl in Lyon
Sebagai artist di boardgame
In Kemet, players each deploy the troops of an Egyptian tribe and use the mystical powers of the gods of ancient Egypt – along with their powerful armies – to score points in glorious battles or through invasion of rich territories. A game is typical...
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